Thursday, January 8, 2009

Word Of The Week

Just a really simple and short post. I met this professor today and he told me about a word which his professor coined it in the past. It is "unknowledge"

Knowledge - what we know about the past, today and possibly future.

Uncertainty - what we don't know that will happen in the future

Unknowledge - unknowledge is not knowing what is happening now

So actually, unknowledge is worse than uncertainty! Holy!!!

I find this very interesting. In a way, one can say that we live in an unknowledge financial world. We don't really know what is happening now and everybody is acting that they know what is happening. Economists don't really know what is going on but they have to make some stuffs out because their rice bowls depend on what they say. I can't seem to find a quote about this but it is very true.

Even more interestingly, I went to see another professor and to my horror, he gives the exact statement that I find amusing.

He said, "I believe that economists have learnt greatly from the past and will know what they are doing right now." So, I question him that what happens if we stay stuck for 10 years and he exclaimed, "What 10 years! At worse it will be 2010, some economists even say that we can recover in june."

I really wish to throw the word unknowledge into his face.

1 comment:


It can be said that much of what goes on in the financial world is totally unrelated to the basic fundamentals of business or economics.

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